

The SparkNotes

My strengths lie in human centered design. I understand how people make decisions in relation to our current culture and apply that thinking to my design work. In the last six years I have developed a unique creative toolkit working at agencies and in-house. Now, I am focused on growing my freelance career. 

I was raised in Rhode Island with family living abroad, most of them in South Africa. Before I turned two my parents unlocked the gates of the world to me. Airline tickets and a passport became my favorite set of keys. My father is a Canon photographer, and my mother is an interior designer. Their work brought my brothers and me to over 30 countries before I left for college. I believe travel ignites curiosity and teaches empathy — a powerful duo for a creative.

It was no surprise when I chose to study Communications Design at Syracuse University, a place where I could combine my creativity and understanding of the human psyche. Since graduating I have worked in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Bali.

Outside of the office I’ll be sweating in a 104 degree yoga studio, dressed up at an industry event, or on a flight in search of new inspiration.